First impressions in a new role

First impressions count in any job. If you are starting a new role or joining a graduate programme, it’s important to adopt the right mindset and make the most of the first interactions you have with people in your team and wider company.  Our advice is to think about (and plan) your first 100 days or circa 3 months in your role.

Here is some headline guidance to get you started:

Prior to starting

  • Understand the company’s mission and values, breakdown of business areas and company history – make sure you do your research and read annual reports and any other publicly available information.
  • If invited to join online groups, lunches and events prior to your start date – make sure you join or go along to get to know people you will be working with.
  • Know the dress code, hours of work, hybrid working arrangements etc so that you can get ready from a practical perspective also.  Reach out to HR in advance if you have questions.

Once in your role

  • Embrace your induction into the company, ask questions, and get to know other new joiners – you’re meeting like minded people who are in the same situation as you and this group of people will become a great support network of people around you on your journey.
  • Understand your daily schedule and make sure you’re punctual whilst in the office or working from home.
  • Understand any ‘virtual’ working or remote working rules. What is the expectation for being online? Is there an expectation of synchronous working with the office?
  • Get to know everyone in your department, including people’s roles and responsibilities – whether this is face to face or virtually.  Ask for an org chart if the department is complex.
  • Make sure you thoroughly understand your job description and alongside this, develop a daily list of your responsibilities and tasks. 
  • Know what your objectives are and how you will be assessed against them.  Will you have a probation review meeting after 3 months? When will your first formal review be? Obtain paperwork in advance.  Will you have informal 1:1s with your line manager?
  • Ensure success against your objectives early in your role. Look for ‘quick wins’ in your to-do list. What can you achieve that will have a significant impact on your team?
  • Attend all meetings where possible to become acquainted with the company’s functions and culture – keep your attitude positive, curious and objective.
  • Building relationships – use opportunities to find common ground with your colleagues, go for lunch/coffee with co-workers or your Manager on a one-to-one basis.
  • Think about your role and the areas you need to develop and learn – ask questions
  • Use your initiative, if a manager is absent or you have a lack of information, don’t be afraid to use your common sense to solve problems to move tasks forward.
  • Keep abreast of what’s happening in the company, reading company emails, social media activity.
  • If the opportunity arises, get involved in employee networks.
  • Seek opportunities to lead or mentor new team members in anticipation of future leadership and growth.
  • Ask for feedback from peers ahead of any formal review to get a sense of where you are doing well/not so well.